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Neighborhood Watch: Improving Your Security!

Do you have a local neighborhood watch established in your area? Having this system of protection can keep your family and property safe from burglaries and other unpredictable events. In addition, if you require extra protection, you need our reliable New Hampshire Home Insurance!

Massachusetts Auto Insurance Agents & Auto Dealers Hit Record Numbers During Presidents Day Weekend

Did you have a great Presidents Day weekend? Most Massachusetts auto dealers did, they hit record breaking sales numbers! This is not just good news for them it means the auto market is on the rebound with the economy. Massachusetts Auto Insurance Agents will certainly be busy today. If you have questions about adding your new vehicle to your policy, or starting a new policy, give us call Massachusetts auto insurance is our specialty.

Hosting a Super Bowl Party with MA Homeowners Insurance?

Fun and Excitement are on the top of the list of things we should be anticipating for Super Bowl Sunday, and this year is even more special for us in New England. We get to experience the Super Bowl rematch against the NY Giants that will go down in history. While fun and excitement should be our main focus, avoiding and preventing drunk and buzzed driving should not be forgotten. Allowing a drink driver to leave your home after a super bowl party could leave them and others in danger, and you could be liable for a MA Homeowners Insurance claim.