Movember offers plenty of great ways for people to get involved in supporting men’s health on a global scale. Guys can grow a mustache in order to raise awareness on some of the most important health issues for males. The mustache is a traditional symbol of masculinity, so it is easy to notice at school and workplace. Guys who normally don’t have much facial hair will certainly attract attention from other people in their lives. You may not know it, but a mustache can initiate conversations about men’s health.
Movember encourages guys who grow mustaches to discuss prostate cancer and testicular cancer with others. For example, male teenagers are actually at a high risk of developing both of these types of cancers. By growing mustaches, male educators and other academic staff in schools may have fun ways of discussing diagnostic procedures and other topics that are related to some of the most common types of cancers in males.
Movember also prompts people to talk about health problems that result from a sedentary life. In a digital age, many young guys spend excessive time watching TV, playing video games, and using gadgets while sitting. Male youth in western nations should be much more active on a regular basis. It is the responsibility of families to encourage their male loves ones to engage in routine fitness. Movember tries to inform guys about the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle in terms of chronic illnesses and other undesirable problems.
For example, men who sit for many hours on a daily basis could develop complications with their genitals due to excessive compression from seats. Additionally, posture also becomes compromised from prolonged sitting in front of a computer. Simple activities such as stretching and walking can significantly counter the adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle in guys. Movember strives to spread the word around about such common men’s health concerns.