Neighborhood Watch: Improving Your Security!

There are a number of steps you can take to help increase your home’s security and in doing so, reduce your claims against your New Hampshire home insurance policy. You can install a sophisticated and recommended burglar alarm system to help deter any unwanted intruders. Also, you can secure windows and doors by strengthening their hinges and joins and using locking devices. However, have you also considered joining a local neighborhood watch group? These organizations tap into the sense of community and the ideal that neighbors and friends “watch out” for each other. With regard to increased security against would-be burglars, members of these groups attempt to keep a watch on their neighbor’s property and carry out helpful tasks such as removing mail from the occupant’s mail box — especially since a full mail box could indicate an uninhabited property. Should you be new to the area, ask your neighbors for more information. Many such watch committees are run through law enforcement agencies or another local authority. Where there is no such group in your area, you could consider starting one. More information can be found at USAonwatch. By being active in a neighborhood watch group, you could demonstrate to your insurance provider that you are serious about security, and who knows? You might save some money on your New Hampshire home insurance in the process! *

Help secure your home against burglars with our Massachusetts Insurance!

One of the most important types of Massachusetts insurance is homeowners insurance. Making sure this is paid on time, as well as being adequate to give you coverage in the event of a burglary are both important, particularly if you live in an area which is known to be prone to crime.

When we consider securing our homes against burglary, we may think about strengthening doors and windows with improved locks and even metal bars to help physically prevent would-be burglars from entering the premises. We may also think about purchasing an expensive burglar alarm system to deter thieves. Both of these methods should give assistance in the fight against burglary. However, there are some low cost things you can also do to act as a deterrent.

Thieves looking to break-in will normally wait until the house is empty, which is usually during the day when many people are at work. Should your house be covered with tree or shrub branches, this may act as an effective cover for the burglar. By cutting these back, the thief will be more visible to your neighbors, or people walking on the nearby street. The burglar may well think that the risk of being seen is high and decide to move on.

A simple method such as increasing a person’s visibility to others as they approach your house is a simple addition to your strategy, which can help prevent burglaries and consequently reduce the risk of a theft claim on your Massachusetts insurance. For more information about homeowners insurance, talk to one of our representatives!


Massachusetts Auto Insurance Agents & Auto Dealers Hit Record Numbers During Presidents Day Weekend

Did you have a great Presidents Day weekend?  Most Massachusetts auto dealers did, they hit record breaking sales numbers!  This is not just good news for them it means the auto market is on the rebound with the economy.  Massachusetts Auto Insurance Agents will certainly be busy today.  If you have questions about adding your new vehicle to your policy, or starting a new policy, give us call Massachusetts auto insurance is our specialty. 

There are some amazing deals out there that are just too good to pass up.  With February being a short month and the new models starting to be delivered to the showrooms the dealers are offering some fantastic deals to move their current stock. 

Dealers are now able to offer more than ever for a trade in due to the high demand and the low inventory of used vehicles.  People have been holding on to their old cars for a few more years and trying to squeeze as much as they can out of them before they trade them in pushing the average age of a vehicle on the road up to 10.8!  The highest it has ever been.  Used cars in good condition are a high demand commodity right now.  Your used car may be worth more than you think!

Auto dealers in Massachusetts are optimistic about sales for 2012 according to the Worcester Telegram.  The numbers look promising.  There are still some amazing local deals that are available through the end of February.   If you need Massachusetts Auto Insurance for your new vehicle, call us at Downey Insurance.  We want to be your new Insurance agent for your new car!

Home Inventory and Massachusetts Homeowners Insurance

Many people understand the value of having an accurate home inventory record of their possessions. This record may also be helpful in determining the correct amount of Massachusetts homeowners insurance coverage you need. Try inventorying a single room at a time to avoid being overwhelmed by this task. Here’s a suggested list of the details you should consider documenting for each item.
  • Object or item. Don’t go into reams of detail but do list specific points so you know exactly what each item is.
  • Brand and model number. This is particularly relevant with electrical equipment and appliances.
  • Location. In the future you may be unsure of what the item is, knowing the room it’s located in may be helpful in refreshing your memory.
  • Purchase price. Sometimes the price is documented on the warranty or guarantee. Try to jot down the price of all new purchases on your inventory record.
  • Photo. A photo of the item may be invaluable if the item needs to be traced after a theft.
Once your home inventory record is completed, it’s a smart idea to store it in a safe place away from your home, in case a natural disaster or fire severely damages your home. Remember to inventory your garage and your basement as well; you’ll probably be amazed at the value of your stored items. Keep in mind that some expensive items may not be protected by your standard Massachusetts homeowners insurance and additional coverage may need to be purchased. Contact your local insurance agent for further information on purchasing extra coverage for your valuables. *

Why you should never let your New Hampshire auto insurance policy lapse


When finances are tight, you’re probably not in the mood to see a bill to renew your New Hampshire auto insurance policy come in the mail. Without auto insurance however, you are putting yourself at risk of serious financial pain, particularly if you cause a serious accident.


Imagine being uninsured and being found at fault for an accident which has physically injured somebody. You could be sued for thousands, even millions, of dollars in damages. Imagine if not just the driver, but the three passengers of the car were injured. The medical costs for all four occupants could be astronomical. This is why it’s so important not to let an auto insurance policy lapse.

You are also putting passengers in your car at risk if you let your policy lapse and you have an accident. You might be forced to pay medical expenses for your passengers if they get injured. You may not have the money to cover the expenses, thus putting their health seriously at risk.

Forgetting to renew your New Hampshire auto insurance policy on time, even just for a matter of days could have consequences. Even if you’re lucky enough not to have an accident, you might be stopped by police and fined for driving uninsured. You might even have your vehicle impounded. That would be a costly exercise.


Hosting a Super Bowl Party with MA Homeowners Insurance?

Fun and Excitement are on the top of the list of things we should be anticipating for Super Bowl Sunday, and this year is even more special for us in New England.  We get to experience the Super Bowl rematch against the NY Giants that will go down in history.  While fun and excitement should be our main focus, avoiding and preventing drunk and buzzed driving should not be forgotten.  Allowing a drink driver to leave your home after a super bowl party could leave them and others in danger, and you could be liable for a MA Homeowners Insurance claim.


Super Bowl Sunday is one of the deadliest nights out on the road for Drunk Driving accidents.   The Insurance Information Institute states that up to 60% of auto accident fatalities on Super Bowl Sunday are a result of drunk driving.  If there is an accident, the host of the party could be partially liable for the death or damage caused by a drunk driver.

So be smart this year and make your Super Bowl party a “Drunk driving –free zone” by making sure everyone has a safe way home or by providing them with a place to stay.   

With that being said, Enjoy the game and GO PATS!