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Whatever happened to Road Respect?

by | Dec 31, 1969 | Blog


Here are a few road rage statistics for your reading pleasure:

 1. Miami Florida has the most aggressive drivers.

  1. 2. A recent Gallup poll reported that motorists were more worried about road rage (42%) than about drunk driving (35%). – NY Times
  2. 3. According to insightempire.com , the most courteous cities are Minneapolis, Nashville and St. Louis. Least courteous: Miami, Phoenix and New York.
  3. 4. In the U.S., more than 300 cases of road rage annually have ended with serious injuries or even fatalities- Wikipedia
  1. What ever happened to road respect? Or following the rules of the road?  Where people would just let you go by, not block entrances & exits and  be kind and considerate? It seems that more and more drivers are in a rush, breaking road rules/laws, which in turn is causing many more accidents, causing our insurance rates to increase. We all just need to take a moment to breathe, and SLOW DOWN!. Road respect not only would help you get to your destination in a better mood but would also prevent “Road Rage”, which in turn would prevent some accidents & in some cases even injuries & deaths.  Less accidents mean that our MA Auto Insurance rate will not continue to increase.

In the news a few weeks ago there was an incident where two young men had some road rage issues going on where one gentlemen actually stopped & got out of his car to attack the other, and one ended up getting stabbed multiple times in the head. Ouch, how scary is that? Fortunately it did not end in tragedy; he had some injuries, but lived to tell about it. What was all this for? Because one guy was driving too close behind the other (probably because he wanted him to move so he could go faster) and the other guy kept slamming on his breaks to scare the other guy off his rear/tail. Things like that can be prevented.

 Posted by: Michelle Keene