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Unavoidable Accidents

by | Dec 2, 2013 | Blog

You can be the safest driver in the world and still be involved in accidents while you are on the road. There are times when other drivers are not paying as much attention to the road as they should. Sometimes wild animals decide to run out in front of your car at the wrong time, and there is always the chance that debris from the vehicle in front of you could fly out and crack your windshield.

Jut because there is always a risk of having an accident it does not mean that you should drive any less carefully. Avoiding accidents and driving cautiously and defensively can save you and your passengers from serious injury and protect your vehicle from damage. It is important to always be on the lookout for those times when things could go wrong.

When you are on the road, remember to always drive without distractions. Leave your cell phone in your purse and save that snack until you reach your destination. You want to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you see any animals on the side of the road, be ready for their unpredictability. And remember that when there is one animal, there are probably more close by.

And if you are driving behind a vehicle that could be carrying cargo that might fly out when they hit a bump, stay far enough back that you will be able to get out of the way in time. Those small dings on your windshield from rocks and gravel are fixable, but avoiding them in the first place would be so much easier.

Thankfully, your auto insurance policy will help pay for those unavoidable issues that arise during the course of your driving day. If you are wondering exactly what your car insurance policy will cover, call us. We can discuss your current policy or give you a quote on a policy that offers even more coverage.
