Home 5 Blog 5 The Hidden Cost of not Carrying New Hampshire Auto Insurance

The Hidden Cost of not Carrying New Hampshire Auto Insurance

by | Jul 5, 2011 | Blog

New Hampshire law does not require individuals to carry New Hampshire personal auto insurance.  Some people may decide that they can shoulder the risk of damaging their own car or truck, and are willing to risk being held personally liable for damage that they cause to other vehicles. 

But what if someone is seriously injured in an accident that was caused by your vehicle?  You may be liable for their medical bills after the accident.  As we all know the cost of medical care is growing every day and depending on the injury the costs can be unpredictably high.  If you are involved in an accident and you are at fault the cost to replace or repair the other vehicle may be static, but personal injury is a whole other ball game.

It’s really not worth the risk.  The folks at Downey Insurance can help you put together an affordable Insurance policy with a respectable New Hampshire Insurance Company