Below are steps you can take to prepare your home and your business for a hurricane or other disaster. Taking time to prepare early will ensure that you have sufficient time and recourses to effectively protect your assets and your family in the event of a diaster situation.
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Hurricane Irene Tracking Toward New England Coastline
Power outages and down trees are likely in the Massachusetts area, with the possibility of evacuations. Massachusetts Emergency management Agency has issued a Disaster preparedness plan with a list of supplies that every family should have on hand.
Who Needs Massachuetts Workers Compensation Insurance?
Every Massachusetts employer with one or more employees is required by law to carry workers compensation coverage at all times for their employees, but MA law varies by type of business when it comes to businesses owners. This important coverage will not only pay for injured workers to get medical care and partial wage replacement, it will also protect the insured employer from potentially damaging lawsuits. Here is an overview by type of business.
Important Information to Know in the Event of a Loss
The Named Insured also has many responsibilities including notifying the insurance company in the event or a loss. Also notifying the insurance company of any changes, purchases, or additions to that have taken place since your policy was first written is also very important. In the event of a loss a typical insurance policy would require you to do the following:
Deadline for Disaster Relief from FEMA is Approaching
One week remains for Massachusetts disaster survivors to register for federal disaster assistance.
Survivors must register with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and return their U.S. Small Business Administration loan applications by Monday, August 15, to be considered for FEMA and SBA disaster assistance.
Do you have a Farm or Mini-Farm on your property?
If you have a farm or mini-farm on your property we may have a product to fit your needs through Co-Operative Insurance Co. of Vt. They have farm and mini- farm product for farm hobbyist, specialty farmers, and part time farmers that can fit the needs of any farm.
Equipment Breakdown – Do you need special coverage?
Equipment breakdown is not always included on your Package or Business owners policy but can usually be added by endorsement, or in certain circumstances it can be covered under a separate policy. If you have machinery or equipment that would cause substantial damage or loss to your business if they failed you may want to consider Equipment Breakdown coverage. Here are some of the coverage that may be available on a Equipment Breakdown policy.
Deer collisions can be a scary and unpredictable situation, here are some tips for avoiding and dealing with a deer collision.
Our roadways especially for our VT and NH Auto Insurance clients are thatched through the fields and forests that deer call their home. Deer having no understanding of the danger of a moving vehicle will not always move out of the way, but sometimes stand transfixed by the large shiny object that swiftly approaching. Avoiding the crash is ideal but anyone who has hit a deer, or had a near miss will tell you that it is a unpredictable situation. Here are a few suggestions that might help you avoid an accident…
Downey Insurance presents a Social Media Overhaul to Breathe Wellness, how about your business?
We were proud to present our Social Media Overhaul to Breathe Wellness of Marlborough, MA. They were the luck winners of our drawing that took place at our Social Media learning event that we co-sponsored with the Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce. Catie Downey Potenza our resident Social Media Marketing Manager prepared a complete analysis of their current web presence and identity. She then offered recommendations for additional efforts and ideas and to bolster their current social media strategy.
Commercial Auto Insurance and ‘Non-Owned and Hired’ Coverage
Many businesses’ routinely have employees run errands using their own vehicles. But what if there is an accident? Would your business be protected in the case of a law suit? Commercial Auto Insurance typically only covers vehicles owned by the business. There is a ‘non-owned’ and ‘hired’ endorsement that every businesses owner should have if there employees drive their own vehicles for work related purposes or rent vehicles for business use.