Home 5 Blog 5 Is it Time to do a Fire Safety Audit on Your New Hampshire Home?

Is it Time to do a Fire Safety Audit on Your New Hampshire Home?

by | Jun 27, 2012 | Blog

Whether you live in a home, condominium, mobile home, or apartment, fire is a very real threat. Sure, your possessions are valuable and might be insured, but lives are irreplaceable. You may have good intentions for making an emergency escape plan and buying fire extinguishers and smoke alarms, but never quite get it done. There’s no time like the present to take an interest in prevention and securing your residence against home fires. Now might also be the perfect time to update your homeowners policy with your New Hampshire insurance company.

• Examine your home for potential escape exits. Do not assume all doors and windows are accessible during emergencies. Every bedroom should have one or more operational windows for fast escapes.
• Make an emergency evacuation plan. Include the best ways to get out of the house during a fire or other types of emergencies. Your plan should identify where to meet outside the home in such an emergency and include a list of important phone numbers.
• Hold a fire drill twice a year. Prepare everyone in your home for emergency evacuations by having a fire drill using real escape methods. This is especially beneficial to older people and young children.
• Buy smoke detectors and fire extinguishers.
• Check your home for overloaded electrical circuits. Replace worn out extension cords and do not overload too many appliances or electronics.

Walk through your home every six months looking for safety hazards. Contact your agent at your New Hampshire insurance company if you do make significant improvements in safety and security at your home, as it might have a positive effect on the amount you pay for home insurance.
